Administrative job, clerical job, support jobs Bakersfield (Benton Park) classifieds, Bakersfield (Benton Park) ads, Bakersfield (Benton Park) classified ads, garage sale Bakersfield (Benton Park)


Classifieds: Administrative job, clerical job, support jobs
Location: United States > California > Bakersfield (Benton Park) [Change location]
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Please find below classifieds in category Administrative job, clerical job, support jobs category in Bakersfield (Benton Park). Please use the form above to refine your search in Administrative job, clerical job, support jobs in Bakersfield (Benton Park). If you can not find what you need in Bakersfield (Benton Park) please add your wanted ad to let sellers contact you. If you want to keep your contact info confidential enter only your email address so you will receive offers into your account in our system. You can click Post a classified ad link below or the button Post classified for FREE in top right corner of this page to post your classified ad in category Administrative job, clerical job, support jobs in Bakersfield (Benton Park). It is fast, easy and free to post an ad in It will take you just few minutes to have the ad available on our listings. You can edit your ads any time by clicking “Edit my ads" button on top right corner of this page.

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Results found: 1
Administrative Officer
23-08-2010 10:56
Wanted: Administrative job, clerical job, support jobs in United States, California, Bakersfield (Benton Park) ... View detailed ...

* Acting as an alternative telephone correspondence; * Running personal errands, supervisions and monitoring; * Organizing and maintaining diaries, memos and making appointments; * Dealing with incoming email, faxes and post; * Carrying out background research and presenting findings; * A personal reminder for Schedules, programs, flights and keeping me up to date with them as they come up; * Arranging travel and accommodation * Carrying out specific projects and research; * Taking on some of the my responsibilities and working more closely with management and other staff related to me; * Making regular contacts and drop-offs on my behalf.

Results found: 1


This is classifieds listing page in category Administrative job, clerical job, support jobs in Bakersfield (Benton Park). The listings include ads for sale and wanted ads posted in Bakersfield (Benton Park) location on our site or sourced from from categories related to Administrative job, clerical job, support jobs. If you posted an ad on this page before please click "Edit my ads" button to sign in your account and edit your classified ads, check the requests sent to you from your ads contact forms or check the offers sent to your wanted offers.

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